Friday, May 29, 2020

A Review of Some Argument Essay Examples About Elegy on Toy Piano

A Review of Some Argument Essay Examples About Elegy on Toy PianoThe article Argument Essay Examples About Elegy on Toy Piano looks at some of the arguments used in Elegy, an epic poem written by Truman Capote, who was a Pulitzer Prize winning author. Truman was from San Francisco and went to the University of California, Berkeley. He joined the gang of young authors at the California Institute of the Arts. He joined Capote's novel 'In Cold Blood' and produced the first and best piece of writing that has ever been published, 'In Cold Blood.'His books of essays and prose became known for their berserk and un-PC content and he became a successful consignment salesman before he became a writer. His work later turned into this award winning novel 'In Cold Blood.' This article looks at some of the arguments Capote used in the creation of the book 'Elegy.'Capote made it clear that he was not a fan of racism. 'In Cold Blood' is an account of the killings committed by a killer and his one ti me roommate. One of the killers was a victim of racial discrimination in the past. He murdered a black man and then killed another one after he spotted a group of white kids playing baseball.The Argument Essay Examples About Elegy on Toy Piano considers the case that the killings were the result of prejudice that did not allow Capote to understand the difference between the races. The writer argues that in addition to Capote's character in the argument, Jack Kerouac, the argument is totally plausible. He includes the famous sentence, 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'The writer of the Argument Essay Examples About Elegy on Toy Piano also discusses the fact that while listening to music the writer thought, 'They're just trying to play it real slow.' This point is important because it means Capote could not recognize the difference between the races. The argument is based on the basic difference in musical knowledge.While listening to mus ic one can think about the differences in the races but one cannot act upon these thoughts or they could be violent. In fact any act of violence that was expressed while listening to music had to have been the result of the realization that the music made it possible for the listener to act violently. So the 'Play it real slow' statement was by no means an act of violence.The argument essay samples about Elegy on Toy Piano ends with an exploration of how similar writing can be used to teach children about the races of humanity. In fact the reader is allowed to place an argument in context with this quote and link it to a specific part of the novel. It was an interesting exercise and a worthy investment in one's brain.This Article About Argument Essay Examples About Elegy on Toy Piano is presented for educational purposes only. It should not be construed as professional advice, diagnosis or treatment in relation to any condition.

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