Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on The Effect of Natural Disaster on a Society

Even though it is currently possible to predict most natural disasters and minimize their consequences, major social impacts still have been seen over recent decades. In this essay, a natural disaster is defined as a naturally occurring event that exerts adverse effects onto human society, including those caused by geological factors and infectious organisms. It may result in a wide range of aftermaths, however, only the most prominent ones of these will be examined including casualties caused by a disaster, public health crises and economic depression. Firstly, the most direct and immediate impact of a natural disaster on a society is the loss of human life. In certain types of natural disasters large number of casualties may not†¦show more content†¦Besides geological causes, a global pandemic could also be devastating as the 1918 Spanish influenza killed 50 million globally with most of its victim being young adults (Taubenberger, Reid, Lourens, Wang, Jin Fanning, 2005, 889). Additionally, the number of death is often linked to the countries’ own situations. Higher death toll is associated with certain geographical location, less democratic political system, economic social disparity and weaker public institutions (Kahn, 2005, 271). Kahn has also observed slight correlation between natural disaster death and lower average income however this is considered to be minor. It should be noticed that a correlation does not imply causation (Kahn, 2005, 271). Therefore, wether improvement in one of those areas would effectively reduce the loss of human life in natural disasters should be carefully examined. In other words, it is possible that economical social disparity is a result of less powerful government and does not alone result in higher susceptibility of disaster death. Secondly, besides devastating pandemic such as the 1918 Spanish Flu showed in the paragraph above, health issues could also exist as a secondary event predisposed by a major natural catastrophe of other types. According to Waring and Brown, a wide range of infectious disease with rapid onset and disappointing mortality are relevant in a significant natural disaster, includingShow MoreRelatedHow Are Natural Disasters Socially Constructed? Essay1333 Words   |  6 PagesWith reference to various examples, discuss how ‘natural’ disasters are socially constructed. While natural disasters such as floods, drought and hurricanes are commonly thought to occur due to environmental forces such as weather, climate and tectonic movements; a deeper investigation into the ‘disaster’ displays other contributing forces. Human factors have a large, if not equal, contribution to the occurrance and outcome of such disasters (Pelling, 2001). 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In 1935 a Tsunami struck the Pakistan coast killing nearly 4000 people. †¢ Cyclone Cyclone is basically a low atmospheric pressure region surrounded by high atmospheric pressure due to which there are powerful winds accompanied by rain. These areRead MoreThe Effects of Global Warming on the Earth990 Words   |  4 PagesGlobal Warming Earth’s temperature is a vital aspect to Earth and its surroundings. The atmospheric temperature along with natural gases is the significant reasons why Earth inhabits all of its life. When there are changes that alter the natural affects of Earth’s environment there are factors that places the environment at risk. Increase warming of global temperatures account as a major concern of Earth’s surroundings. Global warming is a prominent source to consider how and why the environmentRead MoreNatural Disaster Essay902 Words   |  4 Pages Natural disaster is one of the major issues that the world is facing now a day. Natural disaster is caused by nature they are difficult to predict when its going to happen, how to handle it  and its impossible to stop it. Weather is one of the major natural disaster that is going around this year it may include hurricanes, tornadoes and the weather conditions being so cold or so hot. It’s very important to be pre pared for these kinds of events when they happen especially in the countries

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Genocide is a mass killing of a group of people. One...

Genocide is a mass killing of a group of people. One genocide that is very well known is the Holocaust. The Jewish civilization was involved with this genocide; they were the victims. They were targeted, treated terribly (beaten, tortured, and killed in a number of ways), and this event has affected them since then and will always have an impact on their lives. One of many genocides to occur happened in Rwanda. It is located in east-central Africa with a population of seven million. There were three ethnic groups: the Hutus, the Tutsis, and the Twa; but the population was mainly composed of Hutus and Tutsis. This genocide occurred between April and August of 1994. The Rwandan genocide is considered a â€Å"silent genocide† because it†¦show more content†¦On April 6, 1994 a missile shot down a plane with the president of Rwanda inside; the person who fired the missile is still unknown. This signaled a scheme to annihilate the entire Tutsi population by Hutu extremists (Rwanda. United). Once the Hutus started their retaliation, dehumanization began and violence spread quickly. The Hutus slaughtered many Tutsis in retribution; the Tutsis were brutally murdered in a number of ways. The killings spread quickly, from towns to churches and even to schools. The Tutsis were massacred in their homes, in fields, along roads, and even as they tried to hid in bushes. The Hutus murdered the Tutsis with axes and stones, clubs and machetes, and firearms and explosives. It was like an open battlefield; the Hutus killed many Tutsis, and age didn’t matter at this period. Ten year olds killed ten year olds, and Hutu mothers killed Tutsi mothers; some mothers even had babies on their backs as they were killing the other. With all these tragic events happening, teenage girls were raped. There were quite a few killings in churches also. Hutu throngs would gather into the church and beat terrified women and children to death (DeSouza). The corpses were left on t he roads; in the countryside, dead bodies were covered with banana leaves. Over the radio in Rwanda the killers were encouraged as long as they didn’t leave the bodies on the road (Rwanda 1994). The Hutus in this genocide killed the approximate ofShow MoreRelatedRwanda And Belgium : Rwanda977 Words   |  4 PagesRwanda and Belgium When atrocities take place in the world, society tends to forget and move on without proper historical reasoning, this is what took place in Rwanda. Before the colonization by Germany and Belgium, Rwanda was divided into two prominent groups. The elite Tutsi, and the Hutu, who were peasant farmers. Due to competition, greed, and envy every European Nation wanted to divide and conquer Africa for themselves. Germany and Belgium did not take into consideration the different tribesRead MoreRwanda Genocide892 Words   |  4 Pages November 12, 2013 MAHG 5028 Religion and Genocide: Rittner Conversation Starter #12 Rwandan Genocide The Angels Have Left Us by Hugh McCullum, discusses the African tragedy that took place in Rwanda, which resulted in the murder of over one million victims. The Rwanda genocide was between two groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi. Hutu were considered to be the natives and indigenous to the land, where Tutsi were considered to be the non-native settlers who were non indigenous. ThroughRead MoreThe Rwanda Genocide808 Words   |  3 PagesApril 7, 1994 marked the beginning of one hundred days of massacre that left over 800,000 thousand dead and Rwanda divided by a scare that to this day they are trying to heal. The source of this internal struggle can be traced back to the segregation and favoritism established by Belgium when they received Rwanda after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. At the time the Rwandan population was 14% Tutsi, 1%Twa, and 85% Hutus; the Belgian’s showed preferential treatment to the Tutsi, whoRead MoreThe Genocide in Rwanda 1001 Words   |  5 PagesPaul Kagame, the President of Rwanda, once quoted that, â€Å"When we are unified, working together, no challenge is insurmountable† (Arnlaugsdottir). His quote holds meaning and truth as within the past twenty years, Rwanda has worked miraculously to rebuild and reunite the country that was left disheveled by social conflict and genocide. There are many factors that have contributed to the reconstruction of Rwanda, including international assistance, gacaca courts and International Criminal TribunalRead MoreEssay on Rwanda Genocide Compared with Hotel Rwanda2521 Words   |  11 Pages‘efficient genocide’ in history, occurred in a mere 100 days in the small central African country of Rwanda. The Hutus and the Tutsis, two ethnic groups within Rwanda, have been at continual unrest for the past half a century. During the 100 day massacre of 1994, a murder occurred every two seconds; resulting in 18% of the Tutsi population being killed. A decade after t he war, in 2004, the film Hotel Rwanda was released. The film followed the story of a Hutu man; Paul Rusesabagina as he housed overRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwanda Essay2065 Words   |  9 Pages In 1994, Rwanda was a situation of hatred and revenge tailored by European influence that mixed together to form the recipe for Genocide. Classical control of third world nations and exploitation by the west is nothing new. In Africa, the direction of the government is often manipulated by countries that have had historical control over them. The Genocide of Rwanda was a transfer of position that placed the Hutu people in a seat of power over the former rulers, which were the Tutsis elite. ThisRead MoreGhosts of Rwanda Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesGhosts of Rwanda Reflection Does the Genocide in Rwanda have a singular cause? I do not believe so; the cause of genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was due to years of built up hatred between the Tutsis and the Hutus along with many other occurrences. The Rwandan Genocide is no exception with many variables contributing to the horrific events that took place. According to the documentary Ghosts of Rwanda, in 1994, Rwanda experienced a premeditated, systematic and state sponsored genocide with the aimRead MoreReforming Rwanda Essay1157 Words   |  5 PagesReforming Rwanda Reforming Rwanda is not an easy task and cannot be accomplished overnight. The need for reform is unavoidable in Rwanda. Throughout this country’s history there have been many cases of civil unrest and violence. Perhaps the most recognized event in Rwanda was the genocide of 1994. The issues leading up to the killings, the genocide itself, and the changes made after are all important to Rwanda’s future and its ability to reform. Rwanda’s Civil War began on October 2, 1990 andRead MoreThe Rwanda Genocide Essay1113 Words   |  5 Pagesthe characteristics of the Rwanda Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust. The Rwanda Genocide targeted the Tutsis because of their ethnicity, while the Holocaust targeted the Jews because of their ethnicity and religion. To really understand the Rwandan Genocide and the Final Solution, one must understand the background of the two exterminated peoples. The Tutsis are an ethnic group that resides in the African Great Lakes region. During the Europeans settlements in Rwanda, the colonists need an identifierRead MoreThe Holocaust And The Rwanda Genocide1629 Words   |  7 Pagesgenocide can be various, violent, confused, or blank, it can scar the mind indefinitely or not. Not only are the conductors of the kill-spree are scary, but even the victims can be just as terrifying. Two examples of genocide are the Holocaust and the Rwanda Genocide, both of which gives off long ranges of psychological effects on the mind of those who survive. Survivors struggle through the tragic events with the hope they would soon find and be with their loved ones. So how does a survivor survive the

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Six Features of Academic Style Free Essays

It therefore has fewer words that refer to the writer or the reader. This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the arguments you want to ake, rather than you. Your arguments should also show balance and both sides of . We will write a custom essay sample on The Six Features of Academic Style or any similar topic only for you Order Now he issue. Explicitness Academic writing is explicit about the relationships int he text. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the writer in English to make it clear to the reader how the various parts of the text are related. These connections can be made explicit by the use of different signalling words. (PEE Point, example, empirical evidence. ) Hedging In any kind of academic writing you do, it is necessary to make decisions about your tance on a particular subject, or the strength of the claims you are making. Different subjects prefer to do this in different ways. Using verbs such as might/may/could and reporting verbs gives extra detail/protection of your position. Responsibility In academic writing you must be responsible for, and must be able to provide evidence and Justification for, any claims you make. You are also responsible for demonstrating an understanding of any source texts you use. The Six Features of Academic Style By SapphireP How to cite The Six Features of Academic Style, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Americas Zoos Entertainment To Conservation Essay Example For Students

Americas Zoos: Entertainment To Conservation Essay Americas Zoos: Entertainment to Conservation The children run ahead, squealing with delight. Their parents lag behind holding the childrens brightly colored balloons and carrying the remnants of the half-eaten cotton candy. The family stops to let the children ride the minitrain and take pictures together under the tree. They walk hand- in-hand toward the exit, stopping first at the gift shop where they each splurge on a treat to remind them of the days adventure. Although this may sound like a typical scene from the local amusement park, its actually the city zoo. All that forgotten was walking from cage to cage watching the anxious animals pace back and forth in their closed-in prisons (Hope, 1994). Their cages feel cold and desolate. The concrete floor provides no warmth and the atmosphere is sterile. The animals do not appear very happy in this closed-in environment. Just who are these anxious animals? They are the common everyday animals any child could name: the bears, the tigers, the elephants and the monkeys. What about the rest of the worlds unique creatures? Hundreds of species are endanger of becoming extinct, and conservation is in need. Extinction is a permanent issue. The treatment of all our animals and their rights is important as well. As concern for the worlds animals becomes more prominent in the news, our zoos rise up to meet the challenge. Animals rights and their treatment, regardless of species, have been brought to attention and positive movements made. While the number of endangered species grows, zoos attempt to do their part in conservation. Both in and out of the park, zoos and their scientist do their best to help these species. Efforts out in the field within the United States as well as other countries are currently in progress. The question lies in the worthiness of these efforts. Is the conservation successful? Are these efforts being done for the right reasons? Will zoos remain as a form of family entertainment or will the enjoyment of the patrons become unimportant? While it is obvious that things are changing, the eventual goals might not be so clear. As the concern shifts from entertainment to conservation, the zoos efforts are examined, both in the park and beyond, and their motives judged. As cities became more and more urbanized, it was harder to still have first-hand contact with nature. Time schedules were busier and no one could really afford to spend an entire day to drive out to the countryside. City zoos took over that connection to nature, especially for the cityfolks. Afternoon visits to the zoo became a fun form of family entertainment (Arrandale, 1990). Even though the bars separated the two worlds, it allowed the people to see the animals. When this interaction began to take place, people examined these institutions for their concern for the animals. The intentions were obvious, to provide the public with the ability to be around these creatures, but were their methods ethical? Animals were displayed for the general publics enjoyment (Diamond, 1995). As one critically judges the physical environment of these animals they can personally decide whether ethics were compromised. Some argued that the zoos provided a safe home and regular meals for the animals, and for this they should be happy. On the flip side, these creatures were caged and unable to thrive in the wild (Burke, 1990). Under observation, zoos are examined for the humanity with which they treat the animals. Animal welfare has become a concern within our country. This group is not to be confused with the animal rights movement. Without the use of violence, one of the animal welfare movements goals is to improve the way these institutions, like the city zoos, provide for these animals (Burke, 1990). .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b , .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .postImageUrl , .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b , .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:hover , .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:visited , .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:active { border:0!important; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:active , .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7476a49080b23c61262fa319be0e828b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Key to Freedom Essay Honoring the conservation efforts, they simply want to make sure the animals are cared for with the highest levels of concern, both physically and nutriently (Diamond, 1995). Human rights are established in the written form of laws, and these activists speak on behalf of the animals rights (Burke, 1990). While some views, like fighting for the equality of animals and humans, might seem extreme, no one can argue that the animals rights need to remain an important issue when providing care at the zoos (Burke, 1990). The days of a zoo simply providing a recreational place for a family to spend their afternoon together are over. The purpose of zoos has changed considerably since their formation. The switch from pure entertainment to education and conservation is a direct result of the growing .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Minotities In The 90S Essays - Chicken Dishes, Chicken Soup, Soups

Minotities In The '90S When I heard the mail drop through the slot in the door, my heart leapt; I practically flew down the stairs. I pounced on the mail that lay scattered on the floor. There, finally, was a letter for me from Iowa State University. Today's the day, I said to myself, the day that will seal my fate. At last I would have the answer to the all-important question of whether I had been accepted at the school of my choice. I wondered where I would spend the next four years: Ames, Iowa or at home in Deerfield, Illinois. I took a deep breath, counted to three, and ripped open the envelope. Edit 4 Chicken soup, a traditional remedy for colds, is a good food to eat in winter. Like other hot liquids, its temperature warms the body. Chicken soup, not difficult to prepare, is made by boiling a whole chicken in about three quarts of water until the chicken is cooked fully and begins to come away from the bone. Before you bring the chicken to boil add plenty of salt to bring out the flavor. Diced carrots, onions, and celery accentuate the flavor of the broth even more. The vegetables take another hour to cook. When they are soft enough to cut with a fork, the soup is done. Edit 1 Our college library is really great, especially since it was expanded. Not only does it numerous books on lots of subjects, but it also has plenty of periodicals, both recent and older. Research librarians are there to help answer all sorts of questions about library resources such as microfiche and the computer network. The computer system was just installed this last year. Now we can look up an item in the library, such as a book or recent magazine, from any of the remote computer terminals located all over campus. With just a few keystrokes, we can determine whether the library owns the item and, if so, whether it is available or currently in circulation. Edit 3 1. The first witness gave an adequate report of what he saw on the night of the murder. 2. A police officer, he was the first person to arrive on the murder scene after the 911 call was received. 3. He explained that there was no one around when he arrived. 4. The witness thoroughly explained the specifics, such as the knife and the severity of the wounds. 5. He had an accurate recollection of the scene and kept to his story even when the defense attorney questioned him. 6. When he finished testifying, he was told he could leave the stand. Many languages have influenced the development of English. One such influence came from the north in the form of Viking invaders who spoke a Scandinavian language. It appears that when these settlers became farmers and traders who were peaceful, they wanted to be able to communicate with their Anglo-Saxon neighbors. Both groups spoke Germanic languages with similar vocabularies but with different grammar and inflection. Clearly the easiest way to smooth communication was for each group to drop the elements of their language that gave the other group difficulty. This explains why modern English lacks the elaborate systems of verb endings and gender that characterize other Indo-European languages. Edit 3 Once, Little Red Riding Hood planned to make and deliver food to her grandmother, who lived in the woods. On the way there, she ran into a wolf. The wolf asked where she was going and what she was taking. Edit 4 While maintaining subjectivity, we conducted employee reviews of gender and racial characteristics. Despite high performance reviews for your department, we have decided to downsize the production staff by 40 percent. While we are aware of the inconvenience of this, we know you, too, will understand our need to remain competitive in our market. Your continued loyalty--and that of your staff--will ensure that our company continues to set the standard of excellence for others to follow. English Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Federal Trade Commission Example

Federal Trade Commission Example Federal Trade Commission – Assignment Example Current Mission of FTC Today’s consumer is capable of making appropriate decisions on the basis of information. However, no one is more knowledgeableabout the product than the manufacturer. And with rising operating costs and competition, businesses may indulge in malpractices to lure the consumers and if unchecked business can harm the economy and the ill-informed consumer. Thus FTC is one such commission that ensures that businesses indulge in promoting healthy competition and provide consumers with information in the basis of which they can make educated choices ( According to the Official (ISC)2 Guide to the ISSMP CBK (2011), FTC’s Competitive Mission involves making use of tools to promote healthy competition and shield consumers from anti-competitive business methods and mergers. Furthermore FTC’s Consumer Protection Mission involves protecting the masses from deceitful and unfair business practices by introducing consumer protection acts which guard consumer rights of all Americans (Tipton, 2011). Areas of FTC Responsibility Federal trade commission’s job covers enforcing policies that cover nearly all facets of the economy that impact American consumers ( According to Anderson (1989, p.135) some of these areas include ensuring that businesses have appropriate product packaging and labeling, refraining from deceptive advertising, and policies regarding credit and warranties.Information FTC ensures that businesses provide appropriate and sufficient information to consumers to make informed product decisions and can be guarded against fraud ( They accomplish this by means of providing readily available publications in print and through their website.AdvertisingFTC needs to ensure that businesses are not indulging in deceptive or misleading advertising. Frequently quoted examples in this case are those of advertising to children and teens, tobacco and liquor advertising. Product Labeling and PackagingThe product labeling and packaging is an important part of decision-making before product purchase. They tell us about the content of the product and ensure that the product is in good and safe condition before the consumption. This aspect is very important for food products and medicines. Product LiabilityFTC also regulates the manufacture and distribution of hazardous or impure products.Promoting CompetitionFTC is also responsible for promoting healthy competition amongst business so monopolies can be avoided and the US economy can prosper. According to International Antitrust and Competition Policy this involves evaluations of mergers and acquisitions, this is particularly applicable to the mergers which would result in higher prices or less innovation. They also promote competition amongst businesses which impact the masses greatly such as healthcare, real estate and consumer goods ( ReferencesAbout the Federal Trade Commission. Retrieved from about.shtmAnderson, J.W. (1989). Corporate Social Responsibility: Guidelines for Top Management  . New York, NY : Quorum BooksInternational Antitrust and Competition Policy.   Google eBook. DIANE Publishing. Retrived from Tipton, H. (Editor). (2011). Official (ISC)2 ® Guide to the ISSMP ® CBK ® ((ISC)2 Press). 1 Edition. Washington, DC:  Auerbach Publications

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Influence of modern music on teenagers Research Paper

Influence of modern music on teenagers - Research Paper Example Music has played an important role in the socialization of teenagers. Modern music is present everywhere. The music can be accessed on radios, televisions, Internet, and new technologies and in various recordings. Music has positive effects on social interactions, schoolwork, mood and particularly behaviour.On the other hand, the effects of modern music to teenagers is of paramount concern. Modern music lyrics have become explicit in areas of sex, violence and drugs mostly in particular music genres. Children preference to certain music type may be associated with specific behaviours.Modern music with videos has exposure to sexual messages, substance abuse, violence that might generate significant changes in attitude and behaviors of the teenagers (Cox 2004). Choice of music, interpretation and reactions to teenagers will vary from culture, age and ethnicity. Research has also shown that music will also vary with gender. Parents and other stakeholders have a big role to play in ensuring that their children are exposed to the types of music that will not promote immorality in them. The parents should control and monitor what their kids watch (Kirsh